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Seniors Companionship Services

In-Home Companionship for the Elderly


Senior Companionship in the Fraser Valley


We understand that loneliness is one of the leading causes of depression among the older adults. As we all inevitably get older, our social networks also seem to dwindle in size. As a result, we may not embrace everyday life the same way we once did when our spouses or friends were still with us. It can be hard to put yourself back out there and do those things we once loved to do. Sometimes, we need a gentle nudge, and we find that companions can be the bridge to help you once again experience some of those joys in your life.

Here is a recent story of a client of ours who called us to see if a companion may be something she would like to try out. For sake of confidentiality, we have changed her name to Jill.

Jill is 79 years old and had lost her husband last year to prostate cancer. The loss for her was emotionally very tough on her and she has told us that her husband was her best friend whom she would do everything with. One of their favorite hobbies included bird watching. They were avid bird watchers, and would spend much of their retirement years travelling all over the world in search of some of the most exotic birds known to man. Jill had let us know that her husband’s favorite bird to have seen in the wild was a albatross during their time spent in southern Australia. Albatross have the largest wingspan of any of the bird species. “It was like seeing a small plane gliding in the air, it was spectacular!” Jill recalls. Jill says she misses the adventures she would take with her husband, and said there were still some more birds that they never got a chance to see while he was still alive. After her husband’s death Jill had very little desire to do anything without her best friend by her side. “Things just seemed grey, dull and not worth doing anymore,” Jill stated. Jill tells us that most of the time she spends indoors, watching tv and eating microwavable ready foods. Her daughter who lives in the United States was constantly worried about her and often encouraged her mom to still go out and do the things she use to do. Jills daughter told her that she feels guilty she can’t be closer to her mom at this time to spend time with her because of her career in the States. Jills daughter decided to do some research on the computer and stumbled on a local home care agency that provided companionship. Companionship as a service seemed like a nifty idea to Jill, and she also wanted to appease her daughters’ requests. Jill said she was pleasantly surprised to learn that the company offered compatibility matching with caregivers to see who would be the ideal companion for Jill. On the first meeting, a companion named Molly arrived right on time at 1pm to Jills home. Jill said she invited her inside and they got to talking about Jills health, passing of her husband and some of Jill’s hobbies and interests. Molly shared that she is an animal lover and that she would love to go out to the local parks and trails with Jill to do some bird watching if she was interested in that. The next visit, Molly drove Jill to the Sardis Bird park. Jill brought along her bird watching book in case Molly had any bird related questions. It was lovely weather to walk around the lake and see the hundreds of Canadian geese and ducks that love to occupy the lake all year round. Molly brought some bird seeds for the birds, and the two of them sat there and talked and talked! We called Jill the next day to see how the outing went with her new companion at the park. Jill told us that she is so happy to have been introduced to Molly and that she is looking forward to their weekly outings. We wanted to share Jills story with you as it is a reminder that sometimes a friend can be just what is needed when we are faced with loneliness, isolation and depression. Your happiness and your health are the top priority. We strive to ensure that all of our clients are well cared for and comfortable with plenty of interaction within their homes and outside. For many, a companion can help them to feel like doing the things they once previously enjoyed.  


Everyday things like cooking a favorite meal may become more enjoyable to do and share with a companion helping you by your side. Eating alone, may become less enjoyable, but it is more fun to eat a meal with someone else at the table with you. We understand this and strive to make life more fun. Whether you want to go and have some exercise with a friend, take a walk, or simply sit and visit, we’re here when you need us.

 We have the compassion and companionship that you need to help you to accomplish this. Everything that you love can still be enjoyed and it’s even more fun when you have a companion to enjoy it with.


We’d love to go for a walk with you, walk with you while you walk your dog, take a tai chi class, yoga class or backyard gardening. It’s just more fun when someone does it with you.


We look forward to being your companion and helping you to remain independent within your own home. Whether you want to go shopping, walking, or simply sit and visit over a cup of tea, we’re here for you when you need us.


Don’t let boredom be your constant companion. We’d love to get you set up with a companion today so that you can get back out and enjoy your life. No task is too large or too small and we’ve got someone for everyone so give us a call and let us show you what we can do for you.


Our mission is to allow you to lead your life normally with the confidence that nothing can stop you from enjoying what you love to do most. You can do everything with a companion to go alongside you every step of the way.


Spending all your time in solitude can lead to depression and other health ailments. Don’t spend another minute in solitude. A companion is worth a try, and who knows a lifetime friendship may just blossom out of it.

Call or email us today to learn more about our service:

Companionship service at Modern Day Home Health Care. Email – Phone – 778-539-5300







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